Friday, June 1, 2012

JUNE playlist!

Can you believe it's JUNE already?!  No!  No, I cannot!  But I love summertime and this month.  These songs will make you want to move, so get outside for a long run, some HIIT, or just sweating with friends!

Also, it's my brother's birthday month, so the first song is one of his :)

You probably already know that I am obsessed with surfing. It's an unparalleled joy that I got to first experience with my super cool surfer cousins in Florida as a kid and then have been able to do on vacations and sometimes even in Texas! (I know, crazy).  Anyway, surfing is an amazing workout and the conditioning needed in order to surf is intense, too.  This mix reminds me of surfing and in order to give you a surf-style workout, I organized this playlist into HIIT, long run, strength training, and cool down so you can get a varied, complete workout from this playlist.
For example, you might do sprint intervals for a HIIT workout and then do a mile of running to If I Could Fall In Love  and  Everybody Got Their Something followed by some pushups and mountain climbers to Party Hard and then cool down and stretch to Red, Red Wine.  Enjoy!

Get Underway - Hank Whitaker  (  (HIIT)
Starships - Nicki Minaj      (HIIT)
Eenie Meenie - Sean Kingston + Justin Bieber   (HIIT)
Break it Off - Rihanna and Sean Paul   (HIIT)
Cruel Summer (Blestenation Mix) - Blestenation    (Blue Crush anyone??)  (HIIT)
Cruel Summer - Bananarama
       (I put both versions in here in case anyone doesn't like remixes!  I get that!)
I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston   (HIIT)
And Be Loved -  Damian Marley    (HIIT)
One Thing - One Direction   (HIIT)
If I Could Fall In Love - Lenny Kravitz  (Great for a long run!)
Everybody Got Their Something - Nikka Costa
Party Hard - Beenie Man (good for strength training)
Cool down to Red, Red Wine by UB40!
One thing I will say about the order of this list:  If you want to use the original version of  "Cruel Summer", then don't use it for HIIT.  Use it for running or cooling down :).

Love Y'all!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Surprises! Where I Have Been & What's NEW

Hey everyone!
It's crazy that there haven't been any posts since the beginning of April (and for that I apologize)!  A couple crazy things were happening in my absence....I finished up exams, have been working, and also GOT ENGAGED!!!!!  Needless to say, I've been pretty busy but am back to keeping consistent blogs and YouTube videos. (Engagement Pic at End!)
Here is a link to a video with ENGAGEMENT DETAILS!!!!
Here is a link to a Big Hair Tutorial

I want to give you guys good quality videos, so I have a new camera now that's HD so the videos look a lot better than before!  You all give such great feedback and I appreciate the support, the requests, and the love.  Thank you all so much for that.  I'm looking forward to delivering frequent, better quality videos and posts for you all to further your passions in health and fitness and it makes me so happy when these posts, whether on the blog or on YouTube, make you happy as well.  If I can make a positive difference in your lives, then I have done well at my job.  Thank you again to each and every one of you for the constant support and feedback :)!!!
This is one of my biggest announcements (well, besides my engagement ;) ) yet.  This blog is in the process of becoming a website!  The new address will be and there will be many more surprises as the website develops.  I'm SO excited about this next step and can't wait to share more with you about it!!  Really, I am SO excited!

Those are my biggest announcements for now, so sit back, relax, and check back often for more posts, videos, and for the new website! 

Love you all!
xoxo Sarah


Monday, April 2, 2012

April Playlist: Spring into Fitness!

Happy April, everyone!  And happy SPRING!

Everything is in bloom where I am, so I'm trying to get outside as much as possible.  It's so beautiful!
My challenge for you is to exercise outside, wherever you are, whenever you get the chance.  If you live in a place where working out outside isn't feasible, try incorporating this season into your workouts by wearing spring-colored workout clothes!  Old Navy has some great, bright options.

So SPRING into FITNESS and start this warm-weather season off right.  Tis the season for leg-bearing shorts and dresses and tops that show off your shoulders and arms.  So don't just enjoy the benefits of exercise...enjoy them outside with this happy music!

1. Beat It - Michael Jackson
2. Good Girl - Carrie Underwood
3. Fat Bottom Girls - Queen
4. Brokenhearted - Karmin
5.  SuperGirl - Saving Jane
6. You Can't Start the Beat - Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, John Travolta, Elijah Kelley, Queen Latifah & Amanda Bynes (from Hairspray)
7. What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
8. Mo Money Mo Problems - The Notorious B.I.G.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

California Vacation

Last Friday I flew to LA to visit my older brother in Hollywood.  He’s a songwriter and a composer for a music production company.  My parents flew in for part of the week as well and it was so great to see all of them!!  My boyfriend came along as well and my brother’s girlfriend is a California native so we all got to be together.  We did pretty much everything there was to do in Southern California (that I know of so far):  We celebrated my boyfriend’s birthday in Malibu, went to Santa Monica, Simi Valley, Hollywood, and Hermosa Beach.  While in Hollywood we did a tour of the Warner Bros. Studio, Universal City Walk, and saw the movies “1000 words” and “21 Jump Street” (HILARIOUS, by the way). We also went to Beverly Hills and window shopped on Rodeo Drive and went to The Grove one day where I ended up on Extra TV on NBC with Mario Lopez! 
That was so fun! I wound up winning a big basket of Don Francisco’s coffee and mugs. 

 There was no way that could fit in my suitcase---so I gave it to my sweet brother for giving us a place to stay and showing us around LA!  I had never been to LA except for when I had a 10-hour layover at LAX when I was twelve.  Needless to say, this was a better LA visit.

While at The Grove, we bought some skin products that I'll have to review in a video or blog post.  One was a salt scrub and one was a facial serum that is essentially a chemical peel but you don't feel anything.  Both are from the Dead Sea and I have to say---they both exceeded my expectations beyond belief.  The products were from a line called "Seacret."  I'll have to tell you more about it because it really was incredible.

It was so fun and exciting to see all these street signs that I had only seen in movies and heard about in songs like Ventura, Sunset, etc.  Since it was sort of chilly while we were there, we tried to stay as active as possible in spite of the weather which usually meant a lot of walking and doing abs and pushups at my brother's.  We also saw/went in Tracy Anderson's studio and I hope someday I can take a class there with her!
One of the highlights of the vacation was hiking about 6.5 miles to go see the Hollywood sign!  Now, you can't get up close to the sign.  You can get behind it and that's about it.  But it was a great hike that was so beautiful.  You could see all of LA (on both sides of the hills) and I hear that on a clear day, you can see all the way to the ocean!

 We also saw the REAL Bat Cave from the Batman show in the 1960s.  Very cool!

I have to thank Jacey, my Twitter friend who does Tone It Up, for tweeting back and forth with me about where to go there!  She led our confused, tourist butts to great places in Malibu!  One of her suggetions was Huckleberry Cafe, where I treated myself to a soy latte (I drink coffee black) and my oh my it was delicious!  Thanks again, Jacey!

Lastly, we went to Hermosa Beach and played around there for a little bit before hitting up Veggie Grill and Varga.  I had never been to a Veggie Grill and was so excited to finally try it.  I had the "All Hail Kale" salad and my boyfriend had a cheese-free mac n cheese.  
Varga is the cutest store I've been to in my life.  I'll have to do another blog post about their clothes because I just love them.  I think they have the most flattering jeans in the land and a large assortment of beauuutiful shirts and dresses.  I love flowy, "California" tops and got some along with long skirts (a trend I've been afraid of trying).

That's it for now!  

Feel free to comment below or email me at and 
check out/subscribe to my YouTube channel at  
Keep your eye out for new videos and blog posts coming soon!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wellness Week

Hey everyone!  It’s Wellness Week!  You know I love sharing heath and wellness with you…I love all things happy and healthy.  And all those mushy, maybe even cheesy or cliché, inspirational quotes?  I’m right there with you.  I love them all.

So I want to start this post with one of those quotes right now.  The point of this is, you can do anything if you believe in yourself J  (I’m telling you, cliché is not that bad!)

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” Mahatma Gandhi

That’s the first thing I want to tell you for Wellness Week because your wellness is in your hands.  For example, nobody makes you eat what you eat or stands in the doorway when you try to leave and workout.  We have a lot of choice in what we do even despite responsibilities like work, school, children, or whatever yours might be.  Of course we all are busy and nobody is perfect – that’s reality!  But if you take that quote above to heart, you can improve areas of your life.  This doesn’t even need to be a dietary change or a change in exercise.  Improvements could come in the form of diet, exercise, de-cluttering your home, spending more time with friends and family, or just having alone time.

Whatever areas you feel could use improvements to become “well”, then think that they can!  Look at it this way:  if you don’t think you can do something, you can’t.  Right?  That’s what the quote is saying!  Before every choice we make and action we take, we decide to do it (which involves thinking) and we envision ourselves doing it (…which involves more thinking)!  If you think negatively and think (aka “choose”) you can’t do something, then that’s it.  You can’t.  Why would you want that?  I certainly don’t want that for you.

 I hope that all of you take this week to focus on the positive “I can” attitude.  With it, all other areas of your life will fall into that “wellness” category.  

If you have any questions about how to maintain wellness, nutrition, fitness, or style with a busy lifestyle, feel free to comment below, email me at, check out old posts on this blog or on my YouTube channel, and stay tuned for upcoming posts!

Happy Wellness Week!

Celebration Ideas:

-Spring Cleaning
-Making a favorite meal
-Taking a walk
-Getting some GOOD sleep
-Completing a hard workout you might not have thought you could originally!
-Sitting alone in silence! (Meditation, anyone?)
-Finally doing something you’ve been meaning to do, or were afraid to do
-Laughing!  What could be more “well” than that?  It's the best medicine!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Interval Playlists: March Fo(u)rth!

Hey everybody!  Did you know today's date has a special meaning?  It's the only day of the year that is also a command.  Well, I don't like to be bossy, so instead I'd like to challenge you to march forth on March fourth and every other day this month :)

So whether you're marching, running, sprinting, or walking, this playlist will be a good accompaniment to your workout.

1. All I Do Is Win (feat. T-Pain, Ludacris, Snoop Dogg,& Rick Ross) - DJ Khaled
2. Saleswoman of the Month - Hank Whitaker (click here to hear song)
3. Waiting On a Saint - Hank Whitaker (click here to hear song)
4. California Gurls (feat. Snoop Dogg) - Katy Perry
5. Waking Up in Vegas - Katy Perry
6 Songs Like This - Carrie Underwood
7. She'd Be California - Rascal Flatts
8. I Want You Back - Jackson 5
9. Bouncing Off the Ceiling - A*Teens
10. I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston
11. Shoot To Thrill - ACDC
12. Money Talks - ACDC
13. Walk This Way - Aerosmith
14. One Time - Justin Bieber

So Hank Whitaker, mentioned above, is my big brother so that's worth checking out ;).  He's a talented dude and is a songwriter out in Hollywood.  That's why there are a couple California-related songs in this list --- I'm going to visit Hank soon so this playlist is getting me amped during my pre-California workouts!  

I find this playlist really fun and upbeat and I hope you do, too!  March forth! ;)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

National Peanut Butter Lover's Day

Hello friends!  I hope you’re as excited as I am about today.  It’s National Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day!  It’s like the creators of this day had me in mind.  It’s so difficult to name your favorite food because I’m not sure we all have just one, but if you were to ask me, I’d still probably say peanut butter/almond butter.  I eat it on everything.  I eat it any time of the day and I eat it on toast, muffins, protein pancakes, in shakes (like this one), in desserts (see below), oatmeal...everything!  And by itself :)