Monday, October 10, 2011

Protein Pancakes...In the MICROWAVE!!! ...or Panini Maker

Everyone, I have some exciting news!  We've all been awaiting this day for quite some time now...and now it's finally here.  Yes, the day has come when we can make protein pancakes in the microwave. ****(see below for other tip!!)

Some of you may be wondering why this is even remotely exciting when you could make pancakes on a stove but hopefully those reading this who are stove-less (like me!) are just as AMPED as I am!  I love protein pancakes and they're such a great meal that keep me full all morning, but it's so sad to miss out on them when all you have is a microwave.  But, for those of you with a stove, you too can be excited!  This method can save you some time in the morning or if you're traveling.

This project is something I've speculated about for a while now and it took until this morning to attempt. I made the pancake batter as usual (recipe below) and then poured half the mixing bowl's content on to a plate.  Since this was my first time trying this, I put the pancake in for 45 seconds.  This mostly cooked it, but the middle was still uncooked so I flipped the pancake and put it in for 50 seconds.  This made a great pancake!  I still had enough batter for another, so I put it in for 50 seconds on both sides.  Now the consistency was a little different from stove-top pancakes (they were a little more tough...and a little more dry) but it wasn't anything a little almond butter couldn't fix :)

Some things I'd try for next time:
-Playing around with different cook times.
    (45-50 seconds cooked the pancake, but the consistency was a little tough.  Maybe 40 sec/each side would do the trick)
-General tip:  Spray your plate before microwaving!
(Because your plate = your frying pan.  You don't want the batter sticking)


And here is the recipe for the pancakes.  I tend to experiment with it from time to time.  Today I didn't use blueberries, yesterday I didn't use banana, sometimes I use a splash of almond milk, and sometimes I use 1 tbs Greek yogurt.  And I almost always add nutmeg and pumpkin pie spice and sometimes clove.  However you choose to bake them, I hope this yummy default recipe (courtesy of Tone it Up) and this microwave method helps you make your perfect pancake!

- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Jay Robb's)
- 1/2 mashed organic banana
- 1 tbs cinnamon
- 1 tbs flax seed
- 1/4 cup egg whites
- blueberries

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