Thursday, March 1, 2012

National Peanut Butter Lover's Day

Hello friends!  I hope you’re as excited as I am about today.  It’s National Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day!  It’s like the creators of this day had me in mind.  It’s so difficult to name your favorite food because I’m not sure we all have just one, but if you were to ask me, I’d still probably say peanut butter/almond butter.  I eat it on everything.  I eat it any time of the day and I eat it on toast, muffins, protein pancakes, in shakes (like this one), in desserts (see below), oatmeal...everything!  And by itself :)

 So of course I’ve incorporated peanut butter into my diet today in keeping with the holiday. 

Many of you have already heard about my love with PB2.  If you don’t know what that is, check out their website at and my December Favorites video on YouTube.  PB2 is powdered peanut butter and you mix it with a little bit of water and then it’s exactly like peanut butter (except it’s only THREE ingredients – peanuts, salt, and sugar, is only 1g of sugar, and oh, only 45 calories compared to Jif which is 190 calories for the same serving size).  The idea of “powdered” peanut butter is of course foreign, but I promise you, it’s good. The reason it's powdered is because they press all of the oil out of the roasted peanuts. It can be used in so many things from desserts, drinks, sides, dinners, or you can eat it plain (I do this a lot). 

My morning started with a protein shake using cappuccino protein powder, almond milk, ice, cinnamon, and a couple spoonfuls of PB2.  Delicious

I had a spoonful of PB2 at lunch with the rest of my meal.

And this afternoon to appease my sweet tooth, I made one of my default desserts where I throw things into a food processor and make little dessert balls.  These treats usually include carob chips and either walnuts or almonds or both, and then I throw other things in like coconut, vanilla extract, or cocoa powder.  Today I used carob chips, coffee grounds (I was so sleepy today!), chocolate PB2 and regular PB2, walnuts, and almonds. Ground ‘em up and viola!  Easy, yummy dessert.  (The balls are also gluten free and vegan and have no processed foods in them).
Carob balls sprinkled with PB2

How did you celebrate this glorious holiday?

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