Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe!

No more going to Starbucks.  No more overspending for coffee.  No more having to wait until October to drink this wonderful treat. You can make pumpkin spice lattes at home now.  (Go ahead and re-read that last sentence....this is a big deal).  If you continue reading past THIS sentence, then I know you're as big of a pumpkin fan as I am.  So, without further ado, I give you the pumpkin spice latte recipe!

1. Make coffee of your choice.  I suggest pumpkin coffee, like Dunkin' Donuts ground pumpkin coffee.

2. Make the latte portion
    *You can do this with any kind of milk, but I will be using almond milk.  To continue making it dairy-free, you can also use rice milk or soy milk*
   -  1 c milk

  -   1/4 c pumpkin puree

  -   2 tsp pumpkin pie spice blend

   - 1 tsp cinnamon

   - 1 tsp vanilla extract

   - Sweetness of choice. (Measurements vary depending on what you want to use.  If using Stevia, only use a pinch.  If using sugar, brown sugar, agave nectar, honey, syrup use about 2 tbsp)

    I also like to add a little bit of nutmeg.

    Mix step 2 and microwave it for 1 minute if you'd like, or just pour it in to the coffee.  This brings us to step 3....

3. Pour 1/2 of the milk mixture into the coffee and save the rest for later!  (OR for a refill :D)  I saved the    other half and surprised my friend with a birthday latte.

This recipe is both gluten free and vegan.

Optional:  add whipped cream on top, TruWhip, Cool Whip, or Rice Whip, and then garnish with more cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice :).  There's room for experimentation in this recipe.  If you aren't crazy about overloading your latte with cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice like I am, then don't!  If you want to make it with regular milk, go for it!  This recipe is yours to perfect so that you can have your pumpkin spice latte all. year. round.


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