Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jamie Eason's Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bread

I saw this recipe from Jamie Eason, of bodybuilding.com, this morning and was more than excited to try it. I had been craving something like this and finding it this morning via Twitter was perfect timing!

This kind of recipe is perfect for when you are craving something unhealthy.  Luckily, with this bread, there's no real cheating involved.  If you look at my last post, you may notice that I often improvise when I'm out of ingredients.  Well, today was no different!!

I had all but a couple ingredients.  The recipe (seen here) called for 2 scoops of vanilla whey protein powder, baby food applesauce, and an optional 1/4 cup of low sugar vanilla yogurt.  I had barely one scoop of vanilla whey protein left, so I added some chocolate rice powder because that's the only other protein powder I had and really wanted to try this recipe.  I used some Greek yogurt instead of low sugar vanilla and used Stevia in place of Xylitol.  I also do not have an 8x8 pan, but I do have an 8in cake pan (which I used to make a hippo cake for BF's birthday...see end of post!) :)!  Oh...one more thing...I forgot to spray the pan before adding the batter, but no matter.  It was nonstick and it came out perfectly :)

Batter Before Baking

Almost done!

I can't wait to try this recipe again with the actual ingredients Jamie listed because then I'm sure it'll look a bit more like it did in her recipe's picture than it did for me today ;).  Regardless, it's delicious!

Hope you try it and have a great week! :)

As promised: hippo cake picture http://twitpic.com/5ssj0v
...BF one-up'd me on my birthday by making a cake replica of my cat: http://twitpic.com/571h7o and a fire engine for his nephew: http://twitpic.com/5euqhm

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