Monday, March 19, 2012

Wellness Week

Hey everyone!  It’s Wellness Week!  You know I love sharing heath and wellness with you…I love all things happy and healthy.  And all those mushy, maybe even cheesy or cliché, inspirational quotes?  I’m right there with you.  I love them all.

So I want to start this post with one of those quotes right now.  The point of this is, you can do anything if you believe in yourself J  (I’m telling you, cliché is not that bad!)

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” Mahatma Gandhi

That’s the first thing I want to tell you for Wellness Week because your wellness is in your hands.  For example, nobody makes you eat what you eat or stands in the doorway when you try to leave and workout.  We have a lot of choice in what we do even despite responsibilities like work, school, children, or whatever yours might be.  Of course we all are busy and nobody is perfect – that’s reality!  But if you take that quote above to heart, you can improve areas of your life.  This doesn’t even need to be a dietary change or a change in exercise.  Improvements could come in the form of diet, exercise, de-cluttering your home, spending more time with friends and family, or just having alone time.

Whatever areas you feel could use improvements to become “well”, then think that they can!  Look at it this way:  if you don’t think you can do something, you can’t.  Right?  That’s what the quote is saying!  Before every choice we make and action we take, we decide to do it (which involves thinking) and we envision ourselves doing it (…which involves more thinking)!  If you think negatively and think (aka “choose”) you can’t do something, then that’s it.  You can’t.  Why would you want that?  I certainly don’t want that for you.

 I hope that all of you take this week to focus on the positive “I can” attitude.  With it, all other areas of your life will fall into that “wellness” category.  

If you have any questions about how to maintain wellness, nutrition, fitness, or style with a busy lifestyle, feel free to comment below, email me at, check out old posts on this blog or on my YouTube channel, and stay tuned for upcoming posts!

Happy Wellness Week!

Celebration Ideas:

-Spring Cleaning
-Making a favorite meal
-Taking a walk
-Getting some GOOD sleep
-Completing a hard workout you might not have thought you could originally!
-Sitting alone in silence! (Meditation, anyone?)
-Finally doing something you’ve been meaning to do, or were afraid to do
-Laughing!  What could be more “well” than that?  It's the best medicine!

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