Monday, December 5, 2011

Interval Playlists: December

It's December 5th and that means we have a new playlist out for this month!

1. Upgrade U - Beyonce
2. Countdown - Beyonce
3. Get Me Bodied (Extended Mix) - Beyonce
4. Flat on the Floor - Carrie Underwood
5. The Show Goes On - Lupe Fiasco
6. Super Bass - Nicki Minaj
7. Waiting on a Saint - Hank Whitaker ( Click HERE for Hank's Music! )
8. King of Anything - Sara Bareilles
9. Can't Hold Us Down (feat. Lil' Kim) - Christina Aguilera
10. Dirrty - Christina Aguilera
11. Fighter - Christina Aguilera

I couldn't let Beyonce's songs out of circulation in this month's mix, so "Countdown" and "Get Me Bodied (Extended Mix)" are still here, but I've added Beyonce's "Upgrade U."  I'm not sure if they'll stay until January because I want to ensure I don't get tired of these songs!

Lupe Fiasco's "The Show Goes On" was love at first listen with me.  I actually first heard Lupe on The Colbert Report when he was the musical guest star and I was impressed.  I didn't expect to like his music but I think it's a perfect accompaniment to any running playlist.  Especially this song that is all about pushing through hard times.  That is why it is strategically placed in the middle of my playlist because the middle of my run is the hardest time to keep going!  There's waaay more motivation towards the beginning and the end!

The other songs in the middle of the playlist are just happy songs to me.  Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" always puts me in a good mood, and Hank Whitaker's "Waiting on a Saint"is fabulous.  Hank is a songwriter in Hollywood and writes these songs for other people, not to perform them himself, but used to perform with his other bands.  His music is really catchy and will put a smile on your face. Plus, did I mention he's my big brother?? (A link to his music is up in the list of songs).

Lastly, Carrie Underwood's "Flat on the Floor" is a song that has been with me through many a workout since it came out in 2007.  It's just one of those powerful kick-butt songs, which may be a trend when you see that there are three similarly-messaged songs by Christina Aguilera.  Oh, so I guess the secret is out:  I really like diva voices.  They are strong and when I'm working out, strong is what I want to hear!  That's why I picked these three songs by Christina.  You can't sit still during something like "Can't Hold Us Down"!

Happy running!  For those of you starting exams, stay strong and get some workouts in during the chaos of finals!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Interval Playlists: November!

I'm starting a new series in this blog about workout playlists.  This is the first installment.  When I listen to music as I workout, it's usually when I run or dance because I don't seem to need musical motivation while strength training.  However, music is always welcome for sit-ups, pushups, squats, or what have you :).

I keep my iTunes on shuffle on my computer.  This way I get to hear all of my music because I tend to forget I have some songs until they pop up randomly.  I think it's important to vary the music you exercise to, or you could quickly become bored with it.  Sometimes I like a song so much that I'll listen to it 2-3 times in a run, but I know better.  I'll get bored.  The next time I run and hear that song again, I'll probably slow down.  Seriously!  This happens!  If I really like a song, I'll run fast.  If I don't, I'll run slower...maybe even want to walk.  Long distance running is as much mental as it is physical, so you want music you're into so you keep going!!

This is why I'm creating this blog series:  Interval playlists.  They may be monthly or maybe even weekly depending on the music, but I want to share the music that gets me so amped during a run with you!  SO, here is my playlist for November!

Long story short:  Beyonce.  OMG.  I feel like I don't even have to say anything more.  Just close this page, go download all her music, and run out your front door.  She's so cool and aside from me wanting to be close friends with her, her music just makes me want to move.  Mostly it makes me want to dance, but I find that it's really odd to break out in dance in public, so I opt to run instead.  I keep the playlist on shuffle, too, as to eliminate any premature boredom with the playlist.  So the Beyonce songs make me feel empowered, as if I'm her or something, and make me want to run forever.  When I feel like stopping is usually when "Run The World (Girls)" sneaks on, telling me it'd be lame if I walked during that song, so I keep running.  The FOOTLOOSE songs make me want to dance too so it keeps you moving.  "Fake ID" reminds me of the new Footloose movie in the Honky Tonk where they do the dance that I so desperately want to learn (watching that scene is like, "I have red cowboy boots...I was born for this! LET ME DANCE").  Plus, that kind of music just makes me happy because of my Appalachian heritage ;).  You can't help but smile when you hear "Footloose" and "Let's Hear It For The Boy",  and J-Kwon's "Tipsy" is a throwback to like, 2004, which was a great year, so as far as I can see it, good year =  good memories = happiness = run faster.

1. Fake ID (Feat. Gretchen Wilson) - Big & Rich
2. Footloose - Kenny Loggins
3. Get Me Bodied - Beyonce
4. Check On It - Beyonce
5. Party  - Beyonce
6. Love On Top - Beyonce
7. Countdown - Beyonce
8. Run The World (Girls) - Beyonce
9. Tipsy (Radio Mix) - J-Kwon
10. Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams

Add a few of these songs to your playlist and have a blast running to them!  Comment below and tell me what music you have on your playlists right now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe!

No more going to Starbucks.  No more overspending for coffee.  No more having to wait until October to drink this wonderful treat. You can make pumpkin spice lattes at home now.  (Go ahead and re-read that last sentence....this is a big deal).  If you continue reading past THIS sentence, then I know you're as big of a pumpkin fan as I am.  So, without further ado, I give you the pumpkin spice latte recipe!

1. Make coffee of your choice.  I suggest pumpkin coffee, like Dunkin' Donuts ground pumpkin coffee.

2. Make the latte portion
    *You can do this with any kind of milk, but I will be using almond milk.  To continue making it dairy-free, you can also use rice milk or soy milk*
   -  1 c milk

  -   1/4 c pumpkin puree

  -   2 tsp pumpkin pie spice blend

   - 1 tsp cinnamon

   - 1 tsp vanilla extract

   - Sweetness of choice. (Measurements vary depending on what you want to use.  If using Stevia, only use a pinch.  If using sugar, brown sugar, agave nectar, honey, syrup use about 2 tbsp)

    I also like to add a little bit of nutmeg.

    Mix step 2 and microwave it for 1 minute if you'd like, or just pour it in to the coffee.  This brings us to step 3....

3. Pour 1/2 of the milk mixture into the coffee and save the rest for later!  (OR for a refill :D)  I saved the    other half and surprised my friend with a birthday latte.

This recipe is both gluten free and vegan.

Optional:  add whipped cream on top, TruWhip, Cool Whip, or Rice Whip, and then garnish with more cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice :).  There's room for experimentation in this recipe.  If you aren't crazy about overloading your latte with cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice like I am, then don't!  If you want to make it with regular milk, go for it!  This recipe is yours to perfect so that you can have your pumpkin spice latte all. year. round.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Protein Pancakes...In the MICROWAVE!!! ...or Panini Maker

Everyone, I have some exciting news!  We've all been awaiting this day for quite some time now...and now it's finally here.  Yes, the day has come when we can make protein pancakes in the microwave. ****(see below for other tip!!)

Some of you may be wondering why this is even remotely exciting when you could make pancakes on a stove but hopefully those reading this who are stove-less (like me!) are just as AMPED as I am!  I love protein pancakes and they're such a great meal that keep me full all morning, but it's so sad to miss out on them when all you have is a microwave.  But, for those of you with a stove, you too can be excited!  This method can save you some time in the morning or if you're traveling.

This project is something I've speculated about for a while now and it took until this morning to attempt. I made the pancake batter as usual (recipe below) and then poured half the mixing bowl's content on to a plate.  Since this was my first time trying this, I put the pancake in for 45 seconds.  This mostly cooked it, but the middle was still uncooked so I flipped the pancake and put it in for 50 seconds.  This made a great pancake!  I still had enough batter for another, so I put it in for 50 seconds on both sides.  Now the consistency was a little different from stove-top pancakes (they were a little more tough...and a little more dry) but it wasn't anything a little almond butter couldn't fix :)

Some things I'd try for next time:
-Playing around with different cook times.
    (45-50 seconds cooked the pancake, but the consistency was a little tough.  Maybe 40 sec/each side would do the trick)
-General tip:  Spray your plate before microwaving!
(Because your plate = your frying pan.  You don't want the batter sticking)


And here is the recipe for the pancakes.  I tend to experiment with it from time to time.  Today I didn't use blueberries, yesterday I didn't use banana, sometimes I use a splash of almond milk, and sometimes I use 1 tbs Greek yogurt.  And I almost always add nutmeg and pumpkin pie spice and sometimes clove.  However you choose to bake them, I hope this yummy default recipe (courtesy of Tone it Up) and this microwave method helps you make your perfect pancake!

- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Jay Robb's)
- 1/2 mashed organic banana
- 1 tbs cinnamon
- 1 tbs flax seed
- 1/4 cup egg whites
- blueberries

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Winning the Food Storage Container Jackpot

I pack my lunches and snacks a LOT.  Packing your food has many benefits.  It’s a great way to make sure you’re eating healthy and it helps you stay focused in class or at work instead of being distracted by hunger pangs. I take small containers of food with me everywhere I go.  They're helpful while traveling or even in your purse while you're out and about. It saves money, too!

I was at Old Navy for some of their great workout clothes when I found all this food storage in the kids’ section.  My initial thought was, “Old Navy sells Tupperware?”  This was quickly followed by intrigue as I inspected each kind of Tupperware they sold.  It’s probably lame that I felt like I was winning the jackpot while looking at all of these containers, but maybe you’ll see what I was getting at when you look at the pictures.  

 Here's an overview:  On the left is a sandwich container and the one on the far right is just another little container for any kind of snack.  The middle three are a bit more impressive, so I explain them in the picture below:
On the left is a container with a removable section that is a little less than 1/3 of the whole container.  Attached to the bottom of the removable part is a spoon that you make by sticking two pieces together.  This type of container would be perfect for something like yogurt and granola.  Put the yogurt in the bottom, the granola in the removable section, and there's already a spoon!  Another good combo for it would be vegetables and hummus.  

The container at the bottom of the picture is a whole set of eating utensils just like the one I described!  BUT, instead of just making a spoon, you can make a spoon, knife, fork, and even chopsticks!  To make the spoon, fork, or knife, you put one of the blue sticks with one of the green pieces.  To make the chopsticks, you just put all of the blue pieces together.  It's great!  I also just used this in my carry on while traveling.  It worked out so well.  I removed the knife part, though.  I wasn't sure what TSA would do so I left that part behind.  

The container on the left is a lunch cube.  It opens up to two sections: one large section where you could put a sandwich or maybe greens for a salad, and another section that splits in to two more sections (if you made a salad with this, you could put vegetables and chicken in the other sections, or put other foods you'd want with a sandwich in it).

I went grocery shopping the other day and found that this same brand of food storage (Sistema) was at my local store.  So, I picked up a slightly different lunch cube that would has a place for smaller foods and even a little cup for dressing or hummus (whatever you'd like).  
And, no judgement on this last one.  But heck, most of this stuff was from the kids' section...

Let me know in the comments if you pack your food, too!  Or what you use to pack it.  Have a great week, everybody!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Post Booty Call Protein Shake

Oh, for those of you who don't know what a "Booty Call" is, it's a term for "morning workout."  So yeah, once again "booty call" and "working out first thing in the morning" are synonymous.  Now that that is cleared up, here's a great recipe for a post-booty call protein shake :)

I made this after my 30 min HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), abs, and arm session.  I did the Tone it Up Arm workout they posted last week (see here)

So, without further adieu, the recipe!

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I used Jay Robb's)
1/2 cup Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup coffee ice cubes
Couple shakes cinnamon
A shake of pumpkin spice
1 tbsp almond butter
1 tbsp chocolate almond butter

Put it all in a blender and enjoy!  And don't forget your shake dance!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jamie Eason's Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bread

I saw this recipe from Jamie Eason, of, this morning and was more than excited to try it. I had been craving something like this and finding it this morning via Twitter was perfect timing!

This kind of recipe is perfect for when you are craving something unhealthy.  Luckily, with this bread, there's no real cheating involved.  If you look at my last post, you may notice that I often improvise when I'm out of ingredients.  Well, today was no different!!

I had all but a couple ingredients.  The recipe (seen here) called for 2 scoops of vanilla whey protein powder, baby food applesauce, and an optional 1/4 cup of low sugar vanilla yogurt.  I had barely one scoop of vanilla whey protein left, so I added some chocolate rice powder because that's the only other protein powder I had and really wanted to try this recipe.  I used some Greek yogurt instead of low sugar vanilla and used Stevia in place of Xylitol.  I also do not have an 8x8 pan, but I do have an 8in cake pan (which I used to make a hippo cake for BF's birthday...see end of post!) :)! more thing...I forgot to spray the pan before adding the batter, but no matter.  It was nonstick and it came out perfectly :)

Batter Before Baking

Almost done!

I can't wait to try this recipe again with the actual ingredients Jamie listed because then I'm sure it'll look a bit more like it did in her recipe's picture than it did for me today ;).  Regardless, it's delicious!

Hope you try it and have a great week! :)

As promised: hippo cake picture
...BF one-up'd me on my birthday by making a cake replica of my cat: and a fire engine for his nephew:

Quinoa Wraps

I watched Tone it Up's video with Tenley Molzahn where they made quinoa wraps with collard greens as the wraps!  Here is the video that has their (great) recipe:

I, however, was hungry and did not have collard greens, avocado, or tempeh.  What I DID have was quinoa, romaine lettuce, swiss chard, lime juice, tuna, water chestnuts, cilantro, and parsley!
How to recreate this yummy meal:

1. Cook quinoa.
2. Lay out romaine lettuce (or collard greens or any other kind of green for a wrap) and place some swiss chard on top (optional).
3. Mix the tuna, water chestnuts, cilantro, and parsley with lime juice, sea salt, ground pepper, Jack Daniel's mustard, and red cayenne pepper in a bowl.
4. Place cooked quinoa on wraps and cover with the mixture from the bowl! :)

This was great and it makes amazing left overs!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Make Your Life Better...With a Bracelet?

Described as basically a Livestrong with brains, the "Jawbone Up" bracelet/wristband is supposed to track your activity, sleeping, and eating activities and make suggestions to better control those areas of your life.  It has sensors in it and works in conjunction with your iPhone or Android via an app (that I assume will be known to you when you buy the wristband...likely something to do with "Jawbone").

It is supposed to take a picture of your food and estimate the calories of your meal based on the picture and it also gives you healthy suggestions based on how you are doing in other areas of your life (sleeping, eating, etc).  For example, if you did not sleep much, Jawbone Up might tell you to eat a high-protein meal and lots of water when you wake up.

The wristband supposedly comes out at the end of the year and is said to be "affordable", whatever that means.  I think this looks like a very worthwhile device for someone like me or my friends on the Tone it Up team.  However, I am a bit skeptic about the calorie estimation based on a picture, but with all the technology that's out now, that is something I will just have to wait and see about.  I do love the idea of this wristband, though, and I'm really digging the blue color pictured in the article :).  Guess we'll just have to wait and see what this is all about later this year!  I'm looking forward to it!

See article here:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What I'm Loving Right Now

I think I'm going to do a bunch of these "What I'm Loving Right Now" segments throughout this blog.  A lot of them will be about nutrition, healthy snack and meal ideas, and tips.  That will be what this one's about, anyway!

Loving: Nutrition
I've always loved nutrition.  I was never a picky eater and was also a gymnast, diver, dancer, and still am a runner so I knew if I put garbage into my body, I'd do pretty darn poorly in competitions. Anyway, for years I also wanted to be a nutritionist.  I still haven't fully ruled that out yet, but even if I don't become one, I will still use whatever knowledge I have from learning about it to my life.

Mini-Babybel Light: They're these cute little cheeses that you can pick up at any grocery store.  They're very good, especially when paired with mustard (I prefer Jack Daniel's mustard---and no, there is no alcohol in it, for those who are wondering.  It's just the brand.) Here's a picture of the cheese!  Plus they're wrapped in this wax that you easily can take off...and then play with.  Or, at least that's what I do.
Laughing Cow Cheese:
I've been eating these for years, and now there are new flavors that I need to try (tomato basil, etc)!  I use the plain swiss flavor on wraps or by themselves.  I've also recently (I'm talkin' last night) found out that, if paired with fruit or nuts, they make a really tasty dessert!  Last night I ate a piece with some blueberries and it was really good. :)

Almond Milk: Don't raise your eyebrows.  It's good!  I snack on almonds all the time, so I really like this.  It's unsweetened and I don't think it has calcium benefits or anything, but it's just sort of refreshing to have a gulp of it.  You can also use it in your smoothies, coffee, tea, cereal, etc.  Sometimes I pour it over raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries and it's really good.  It's low in calories, carbs, and sugar.
Almond Butter/Peanut Butter: At my grocery store, there are these machines that have peanuts and almonds in them (respectively).  You flip a switch and the nuts are ground down to butter right in front of you, so they're fresh with no added ingredients.  They taste better than any peanut butter I've ever tried.  EVER!  And I might even like the almond butter more.  I flip flop all the time about which is my favorite.

Cinnamon Tea: First off, I love anything with cinnamon.  Seriously.  And I learned from Katrina from Tone it Up that it can also be a good dessert with some almond milk in it.  

Pistachios: If you get the kind that you have to peel open, it's sort of a pain, but it also helps with portion control since you have to work to get the nut out of its shell.  I like to get both my jars of pistachios and almonds from Target.  They are Target brand (specifically called "Market Pantry") and come in jars that get you a good amount of food for the price you pay.

Green Tea: I've tried tons of different kinds, and recently just bought Lipton brand and it's fabulous (not to mention cheaper than other options).  I've tried crosses between green tea and acai (pronounced "ahs-sye-eeee.  Sye rhymes with dye) berry tea and green tea mixed with black tea, but even though both are yummy in their own regard, this time I just wanted plain.  No fancy-shmancy stuff.  Just plain green tea.

That's another thing, I read the ingredient labels a lot.  The last time I went back home for a visit, my parents were (and are) going on this major health kick.  Honestly, the unhealthiest thing in my house was JIF peanut butter.  I've always been one for healthy foods and exercise, so I thought that was pretty cool.  And while I was there, I learned a trick that has now changed my approach to eating:  READ THE 1ST FOUR INGREDIENTS ON FOODS before you buy/eat them.  IF YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE THEM, then don't eat it.  When you actually do this on your main, staple foods, you'll be surprised that things you eat normally, like bread, have unrecognizable ingredients.  Even foods that are "healthy", such as low carb, low calorie foods, have alien nutrients in their first four ingredients.  The reason you read the first four is because ingredients are listed in order of prominence.  In other words, they are arranged from most to least.  Although, aim for foods that are free of ingredients you don't recognize.  Another way of looking at it is to ask yourself, "would I cook with this?" or "would I want someone to give me food that they cooked with this??" If the answer is no, try to find an alternative.

While you're at it, don't get or consume anything with high fructose corn syrup.  I'm convinced it's what has lead our country to become so obese.  I am by no means a doctor or expert, but doctors and experts do say that (I don't have a link with me or anything, but you can research it if you'd like).  And again, watch out for "healthy" foods.  Even they'll have that corn syrup hiding in there sometimes.  And in my opinion, you don't even really need to eat corn that much considering most meats now are fed corn.  Even fish!  Yes, fish.  When's the last time you saw a salmon swimming around and fighting other salmon for corn in the wild?  You haven't.  Seriously.  Neither has anyone.  Basically, all these animals are eating things that they would not eat in their natural habitat and so when we eat cow or salmon and drink cow's milk, then those nutrients they get come into us.  So as a word of caution, do your homework about the source of your dinner before you sit down to eat it.  It's not as hard as it sounds, and you'll benefit from it.

Gosh that was long.  That's it for now!


Refreshing Summer Desserts

Hey everyone!  While eating healthy is important, everybody knows that sometimes you just need to have something sweet.  That's why this summer, I've been making tasty and healthy desserts that are not only good for you, but so refreshing during the summer months!  I'll be sharing three today :)

1) Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream
I got this idea from via the Tone it Up girls.  The only ingredients are light coconut milk, strawberries, vanilla extract, and stevia.  If you don't like stevia, you can substitute it for agave nectar.  The first time I made this, I used coconut milk from a carton (like regular milk or almond milk) and the consistency was not very good.  SO---I highly suggest using the canned light coconut milk.  It'll end up more like ice cream whereas my first attempt was more like a smoothie, albeit a tasty smoothie.  For the whole recipe plus a chocolate sauce to go with it, click here.

First you mix all the ingredients together in a blender and you will get a concoction like this:
And, if you want, you can turn them into popsicles!  I found some popsicle molds at CVS for $1.  Pour the mixture in there, and then you can take them with you to the pool!

2) Fat-Burning Key Lime Pie Bars
This recipe came from Kim Snyder, a celebrity nutritionist in Los Angeles.  I found it on her website and all I have to say is wow.  These bars are so easy to make and are even more delicious.  Best of all, once you make them, you can keep them in your freezer for a few weeks!

Ingredients: lime juice, coconut oil, honey, cashews, liquid stevia, and water.
First you combine all the ingredients except water in a blender, then mix in the water.  Then you pour it in a pan and freeze it for 4 hrs or overnight and then you have DELICIOUS desserts to nosh on for the next few weeks.  I think it's brilliant!
The picture on the left is Kimberly Snyder's version.  The picture on the right is my attempt.  Clearly her presentation is better but myyyy do they taste good!  You'll love them!

3) Figs & Mascarpone 
I first had this combination for my dessert on Valentine's Day, and I've been thinking of it ever since!  My boyfriend wasn't a fan, but he agreed that this combination was certainly my style.  
If you've never tried mascarpone, it is actually an Italian mild cheese (you may have tasted it in tiramisu before).  Please don't let that description deter you from trying it!  It's so good it'll knock your socks off.

Anyway, the picture above had black mission figs, mascarpone, and I believe a brandy sauce.  But just the other day I bought some mascarpone and organic black mission figs and I just take a fig here and there, put a little mascarpone on it, and voila!  You HAVE to try this!  

I use BelGioioso mascarpone (because that's what my mama used to buy) and because it has fewer calories than competitors.  

I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy these recipes!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

SUP and Hiking

While in Hawaii, my family went hiking in Kauai and got to see Waimea Canyon followed by an 8 mile hike to the Na Pali Coastline.  4 miles there and back...and all six of us perceived it to be uphill both ways.

(Waimea Canyon)

The picture above is on the way to the trail for the Na Pali Coastline.  Once we got to the trail, we started our uphill trek which, as you might have guessed from before, stayed uphill practically the whole time.  Do not let this discourage you if you get the opportunity to take this hike!  When it seems like you've been walking forever, you get to the edge of the coastline and it is sooo worth it.  The soreness you feel for the next couple days is worth it, too.  We had a great time hiking together and my brother's girlfriend, who was an NCAA athlete in college, even said it was a challenging hike.  That made the rest of us feel a lot better for having completed it :)

The pictures don't do it justice, but the view is incredible!!!

On our last day there, we went stand up paddle boarding (SUP).  I had been excited to do this since I first heard about it last year.  Then I saw the Tone it Up (TIU) girls, Karena and Katrina, SUP-ing in one of their videos!  I had started doing TIU workouts the week before I left for Hawaii so once I saw the SUP video, I knew I wanted to try! And, it's as fun as it looks and is a great arm workout as well as leg and core workout since you have to balance so much.  TIP: if the wind sweeps you far, far away from the rest of everyone else in the water like it did to me, stop standing!  Keep paddling, but kneel on your knees instead of standing!  You'll have a lot more control over what direction you go :)

Hope you all get to try SUP and get to do this amazing hike!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Surf Craze!!

For those of you have never been, surfing is amazing.  For those of you who have, then you know what I'm talking about.  I think it is by far the coolest and most exciting thing I've ever done.  Now, I've always been beach-obsessed, so I've always known I wanted to go surfing.  However, with the exception of trying once at the age of 10 with my surfer cousins in Florida ---on a day with no waves---my surfing experience was, well,...nonexistent.    That said, I was BEYOND excited to go surfing one morning in Hawaii over Spring Break!

I was so excited to actually be doing what I had tried to vicariously feel while watching movies like Blue Crush or watching surfers like Kelly Slater, Bethany Hamilton, or even my cousin Josh.  I had also seen pictures of my boyfriend surfing and while I had stood on his board when it was sitting on carpet, standing on a board while on a WAVE was incredible.
Doesn't really count, I know...

It's pointless to tell you surfing is a good workout, but MAN.  First you have to paddle out into the water, then once you see a good wave coming, you have to paddle really hard in order to catch it.  That was my problem.  I've got the balance part of surfing down!  Maybe a minor issue there is that I'm goofy foot (meaning I put my right foot forward on the board instead of my left), but standing on the board isn't my problem; paddling is.  I had tried "training" for this day by doing a bunch of pushups and arm exercises regularly before we left for Hawaii, but I was SO sore!  At one point, I rode a wave in and it took me about 20 minutes just to get back to my family in the water...mostly because my thought process went as follows: "OH! Well here comes a wave, I'll just try to get this one *start paddling...miss wave...try to get back to family...see another wave...try to catch that one, too...miss it...*.  Repeat this process a few more times, and that is how I spent a good 30 minutes.

If you look at any surfer though, you'll see that they really need to train for this sport.  It requires a lot of upper body strength, but that's definitely not all.  You need a strong core and strong everything to get up there and do it well!  In fact, here's a link to lots of benefits of surfing...including lots of information about the type of nutrition and cross training surfers eat and do!

And here is a glimpse of one of the best days I have had yet! :D  Go surfing!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Beauty Secrets

Hey everyone!  I just did a video for Tone it Up about some beauty secrets that aren't so secret anymore...because I'm sharing them with you!

Click here for the beauty secrets video

I thought this was pretty fun!  In the video I talk about my favorite overall beauty tips along with my favorite hair, makeup, skin, and nail tips.  Hint:  Water will help with all beauty categories (hair, skin, etc).

Favorite overall beauty tip:  WATER.  (And sleep...which I did not mention, but it's important, of course).
Favorite hair tip:  wide tooth comb, Moroccan oil/Argan oil, sea salt spray.  (Also not mentioned is air-drying.  I try to do whatever it takes to not blow dry my hair just because I don't like doing it :D).
Favorite skin tip: water, moisturizers, self-tanning lotions
Favorite nail tip: keep 'em painted! Or nothing at all!
Favorite makeup tip:  Use an eyelash curler and use Q-tips to wipe away mascara from your eyelids without damaging your eyeshadow.

As an added bonus...favorite lip tip: Vaseline.  Put it on your lips during the day, before you get in the shower, and before you go to sleep.  It really makes a difference! :)

Enjoy the tips!
