Thursday, May 12, 2011

Beauty Secrets

Hey everyone!  I just did a video for Tone it Up about some beauty secrets that aren't so secret anymore...because I'm sharing them with you!

Click here for the beauty secrets video

I thought this was pretty fun!  In the video I talk about my favorite overall beauty tips along with my favorite hair, makeup, skin, and nail tips.  Hint:  Water will help with all beauty categories (hair, skin, etc).

Favorite overall beauty tip:  WATER.  (And sleep...which I did not mention, but it's important, of course).
Favorite hair tip:  wide tooth comb, Moroccan oil/Argan oil, sea salt spray.  (Also not mentioned is air-drying.  I try to do whatever it takes to not blow dry my hair just because I don't like doing it :D).
Favorite skin tip: water, moisturizers, self-tanning lotions
Favorite nail tip: keep 'em painted! Or nothing at all!
Favorite makeup tip:  Use an eyelash curler and use Q-tips to wipe away mascara from your eyelids without damaging your eyeshadow.

As an added bonus...favorite lip tip: Vaseline.  Put it on your lips during the day, before you get in the shower, and before you go to sleep.  It really makes a difference! :)

Enjoy the tips!


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